Discovery / Solutions is a licensed counseling service in the midcoast Maine area, offering psychotherapy and workshops, helping people overcome life's challenges. Clinical specialities include resilience, relational and emotional discoveries, depression and anxiety, trauma and toxic stress, and the RD Mind (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Seeking answers is the first step towards a healthier, happier life, initiating your discoveries toward lasting and positive change. Please contact me to learn more about how to enhance your gifts, address your challenges, treat emotional difficulties, learn relational skills, and discover a life with more purpose and connection.

My approach to psychotherapy and mental health is based on four elements working together. They are clinical evidence, scientific research, principles of evolution, and personal experience. All are required to both understand and address psychological dynamics that influence and affect mental health.

Please see the tabs above entitled DISCOVERY and SOLUTIONS to learn more about each subject area. Hopefully, they are helpful in understanding your best mental health — building resilience, growing caring relationships, addressing anxiety and depression, taking advantage of your gifts, and meeting your challenges.

Discovery includes (click on each) Purpose & Connection, Resilience & Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, RD Mind (ADHD), Primary Emotions/EQ, and Mutually Caring Relationships.

Solutions offered (click on each) include Individual, Relationships, and Workshops.

Welcome to discoveries and solutions for your best mental health.

Recent Lectures/Seminars:  Toxic Stress, Neuroplasticity, and Clinical Interventions. NASW Maine Annual Conference, Rockport, Maine, October, 2023.