Working Together in Workshops

Group workshops can augment individual treatment, and sometimes they can replace one-on-one sessions completely.

Group workshops provide a safe setting for real-life interaction with others. In this environment, group members can discuss their challenges honestly and give each other feedback and positive reinforcement.

Groups provide a setting in which members can learn to identify, understand, and express their feelings accurately to others.

Led by the therapist, members are encouraged to share their thoughts openly, but at their own pace. Group workshops can provide a sense of community that greatly enhances the psychological healing process.

The price of group workshops is also significantly less compared to individual psychotherapy, as well. However, group workshops are not for everyone. Please consider these factors to determine if a group workshop is right for you.


Relational/Emotional Discovery Workshop – Discovering a strong ability for mutually caring relationships and understanding the emotional response system to heal or prevent depression and anxiety.

RD Mind/Neurodiversity Discovery Workshop – Discovering how to enhance the gifts and address the challenges of the RD mind, one of the neurologically diverse minds in children and adults.

Anxiety/Fear Discovery Workshop – Discovering how anxiety, or fear, is one of four primary emotions, and is healthy, normal, harmless, and easily manageable.