Mental Health: A Product of Brain Health, Psychological Health, and Relational Health

Being a psychotherapist now for 18 years has taught me so much. But the more I learn, the more I realize -- or discover -- how it all comes down to  the basics. From my perspective, the basics are brain health, psychological health, and relational health. I evaluate and promote each of these in every one of my patients, on a daily basis. And I articulate to them the importance of all three in their overall mental health.

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What is the New Science of Mental Health?

For most of us mental health clinicians, whether we're a clinical social worker, psychologist, or psychiatrist, we combine evidence from research with our clinical experience to address the needs and challenges presented by our patients. That is the typical science of mental health these days, which is a quantum step ahead of when the field did not look at evidence so much, something that changed around the new millennium.

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