Universal Law of Existing: It’s what’s “happening”

Reality is not what we see, it’s what’s “happening.”

We are not what we see, we are what’s “happening.”

Human beings emerge from interacting systems, such as cardiovascular, cognitive, and emotional response systems, among many others.

Drilling further, each human system emerges from interacting cells, cells emerge from interacting molecules, molecules emerge from interacting atoms, and atoms emerge from interacting electrons, neutrons, and protons, or quarks and leptons. And physicists and cosmologists tell us today that quarks and leptons are interacting fields, quantum vibrations of energy, that are always happening, always interacting, emerging into everything we see in the universe.

Finally, interacting and emerging is existing, or the Universal Law of Existing, as described in my January 1, 2018 blog post. Also described in the same blog post, life is “actively existing,” or caring, which, then, is the nature our reality.

To bring this full circle, we are not what we see — we are what’s happening, “actively existing,” or caring.